Is a career guidance programme which encourages learners to proactively explore and take full advantage of the career opportunities that exist for them, helping them to find their dream jobs where they can focus on pursuing success in the paths that they are passionate about.

The programme provides Grade 9 – 12 learners with an understanding of the requirement for various career opportunities. This collaborative effort between the Public and Private sectors enables participating learners to prepare themselves for the transition into the “world of work”, helping them to realize their career ambitions, while simultaneously strengthening the skills base of our country. The project showcases more than 115 career choices available across 16 industries.

More importantly, it enables learners to also discover the academic as well as personality requirements for each career while giving a better understanding of what to expect in the workplace through the use of interviews or testimonials of real life professionals.

Since its inception, My Future, My Career has reached approximately 314,000 learners nationally. The programme is presented in sixteen 120 minute episodes at cinemas which have been strategically selected for their convenience and accessibility for the learners. Each student leaves each session with a Career Guidance Toolkit for future reference.


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